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Love, Death + Robots

By Films & series

It’s been available for awhile now, so you probably had the chance to binge through it multiple times by now. If so – what did you think about it?

We are very proud that we were commissioned by DIGIC Pictures in the production of The Secret War and we’ve just updated our portfolio section, telling you about what part we took in creating that episode.

Unfortunately right now we don’t have permissions to share the actual concepts, but we hope to be able to show them at some point. 🙂
Until then we’ve selected images from the final film that illustrate best what elements we created concept designs for.

Lightbox Expo

By Events
Lightbox expo logo

It is now set, we’ll be at Lightbox expo as exhibitors in September!
Time to start thinking about flight tickets!

Hope to meet many of you there!

Art book content news!

By Publishing

More of our professional projects will make it to the book!

In many cases it’s up to our client if we can include the designs in our art book or not. So as we are putting together the book, answers to our permission requests are rolling in. The most recent news is that we get to print the work we’ve done for National Geographic – both for the Year Million and Mars series projects.

Year Million city concept art


Vertex conference

By Events

Who’s going to London in the beginning of March?
Our Mark will be a speaker at the Vertex conference, an event that brings the CG community together. He’ll talk about keyframe video game art techniques, but there will be many amazing artists from all over the globe, giving you their insight on various fields of 2D and 3D art, so be sure to check out the event!


Live feedback with every book order!

By Publishing

Getting personal feedback on your work can help with that last push that allows you take your work to the next level. This is exactly why we decided, that in the spirit of #FeedbackFebruary we want to help out everyone that orders our artbook this month.

You may ask for a quick portfolio review, a critique on an art piece or some advice based on your chosen field – whatever you want help with.

Buy our book now, and send us the order confirmation to so that we can schedule a session with you – be sure to let us know what type of discussion you’ll want and send us a link to your work.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


By Uncategorized

Every artist can benefit from someone with a well-trained eye looking through their work, or just someone with a fresh perspective…

So we thought that in February, we’ll offer to do quick overpaints for You guys! Head over to our facebook page and submit your artwork in the comments!