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New York International Film Award

By Films & series

Our first coproduction with Braw production and LUAstudios won a best animation award at NYIFA!

Congratulations to everyone who took part in it!
Special thanks for the great work for Debbie Ross (producer) and Ben Craig (director).



By Films & series

Poster for HOME short film

We are glad to share with you: HOME, a Braw Production collaboration

When HOME started production in October 2019 our world seemed a different place. The film completed in April 2020. Its message is still as important – perhaps even more so.


Written and Directed by: Ben Craig
Produced by: Debbie Ross
CG Supervisor: Sergio Caires
CGI Studio: Lua Studios
Edit and Camera: Jennifer Mackie
Pre Production, Design and Art Direction: Pixoloid Studios
Original Music Composition: Giles Lamb
Sound Design and Audio Mix: Savalas
Man Performance: Ian Hanmore
Nurse Voice: Traci Tufte
Man Head Scans: Ten24
Facial Performance Capture: DI4D


By mentorship

One of the most exciting news we have for you in the winter is that we’ll have a studio mentorship class on CGMA in the winter term.
The topic we’ll explore is IP development for production.

During the 10 week course, our lead artists will guide you through the process of creating a pitch package, talking about character, environment and prop design, sketching up a storyboard sequence and painting keyframe illustrations. The aim is to put together a cohesive design package based on a chosen story, to showcase  that you can carry a visual language across various elements of a project.

There’ll be weekly lecture videos to explain theory and how we apply it to our design process, you’ll get personal, recorded feedback on your homework assignment and you’ll also have the chance to ask us questions live on  weekly Q&A sessions.

The course is taught by:

Mark Molnar, Gaspar Gombos – Founders and Lead artists of Pixoloid studios
David Metzger, Janos Gardos – Senior artists

Check out the course overview and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about it!




New partnership!

By Partnership

Have you heard of Braw Production?
It’s a relatively fresh initiative – a hub of international creative and production talent, working across a variety of formats and content for the entertainment industry.
We had a call with Debbie Ross last week to talk about getting on board with her idea and we’re happy to share that we’ve joined her venture.

We’re looking forward to working together and seeing how we can help each other out on many projects to come!


New office

By Uncategorized

After a long-time browsing around we finally found a space to move with our office and this week we started to sort out our work rhythm in this new space!

One of the main reasons for the move was the fact that we were by a main road where somehow they were constantly doing construction work. Though we are not much further away, it’s so much more calm here…

By now we have the essential workstations set up, and most of the books put out on the shelves, but there’s this seemingly endless list of things we either want to or have to sort out.

It’s pretty cool though! Earlier we shared an office with another creative group and now it feels really exciting having such a place for just ourselves, having the chance to shape it to our liking.