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The Neverseen

By Pitch project

We’ve recently published the first glances of our studio project, The Neverseen.

To see some behind the scenes – earlier concepts and supporting designs – head over to the new ‘Pitch‘ secion on the site. 🙂

And if you’ve missed the teaser itself, check it out now:


IAMAG interview

By Interview

If you haven’t seen it live, you can now check out the interview with Mark Molnar on the IAMAG Masterclasses website.
In his conversation with Patrice, Mark talks about several projects our studio has worked on and how working on different kinds of productions present various creative challenges.
They talk about different types of concept design fields – costume design, set design, set dressing, keyframe concept, and also touch on constraints and the amount of creative freedom concept designers have within certain productions.

You find the video within the Job and Career management section of the library which is a collection of masterclasses by artists and studios to help you to manage your career and better understand how to create a good portfolio, how to apply in studios and learn more about the game and movie Industry as an artists point of view.

You’ll find many interesting talks here, go ahead and check it out! 🙂

IAMAG video library: Interview with Mark Molnar 



By Studio life

Pixoloid studio just turned 5 years old!

So much has happened in this relatively short amount of time:
We contributed to more than 100 projects (more than 20 different movie/tv show productions), Art directed, produced game trailers, created film pitch materials. We published a book, taught courses at a local art university, created online educational materials and also started several studio projects.
Thanks everyone who contributed to the past 5 years!
Onwards to new adventures! 🙂

Birthday cake for the 5th year of the studio

Fall term is approaching!

By mentorship

The beginning of the Fall term is fast approaching so if you were thinking of enrolling in a course to sharpen your design skills, its time to enroll!

Join our class:
– if you want to gain more insight on the film industry from a concept art perspective
– if you want to challenge yourself to create a range of different designs around a story of your choice
– if you want to get professional feedback on your designs to help push your work forward

During the 10 weeks of the course we’ll be touching on a variety of different design topics (characters, props, environment, storyboards, keyframe) which will make you stretch in areas that might not be your main strength.
In the classes we’ll be talking about the entertainment industry, core design principles and some tools and techniques.

At the end of the course you should have a presentation with a set of cohesive designs that showcase your skills and thinking process.
We’ll also talk about how you could use this material to put together a professional pitch presentation.

Learn more about the course here: CGMA – IP development for production


CGMA course promotion for IP development for production course

New York International Film Award

By Films & series

Our first coproduction with Braw production and LUAstudios won a best animation award at NYIFA!

Congratulations to everyone who took part in it!
Special thanks for the great work for Debbie Ross (producer) and Ben Craig (director).



By Films & series

Poster for HOME short film

We are glad to share with you: HOME, a Braw Production collaboration

When HOME started production in October 2019 our world seemed a different place. The film completed in April 2020. Its message is still as important – perhaps even more so.


Written and Directed by: Ben Craig
Produced by: Debbie Ross
CG Supervisor: Sergio Caires
CGI Studio: Lua Studios
Edit and Camera: Jennifer Mackie
Pre Production, Design and Art Direction: Pixoloid Studios
Original Music Composition: Giles Lamb
Sound Design and Audio Mix: Savalas
Man Performance: Ian Hanmore
Nurse Voice: Traci Tufte
Man Head Scans: Ten24
Facial Performance Capture: DI4D