Gran Turismo

Directed by Neill Blomkamp
Costume Design by Terry Anderson


Costume design

Gran Turismo follows the extraordinary journey of a video game enthusiast who wins a series of Nissan-sponsored video game competitions and becomes a real-life professional race car driver.

Our key task was to help the costume design team with providing detailed concepts for the Gran Turismo drivers’ and pit crews’ costumes.

Academy Driver
Nissan Nismo Driver
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
Nissan Nismo Pit Crew
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Capa Pit Crew
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Corvette Pit Crew
Corvette Pit Crew
Corvette Pit Crew
Corvette Pit Crew
Corvette Pit Crew
Corvette Pit Crew
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Audi Driver
Audi Driver
Audi Driver
Audi Driver
Audi Driver
Audi Driver
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Audi Driver
Ferrari Driver
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